SECURECO METSU is mindful of the importance of supervision as a vital part of management. With regards to supervision, three levels of supervision exist:
Divisional Management:
Regular visits for the purposes of assessing standards and liaison with the client involves SECURECO METSU’s divisional managers.
Operational and Area Management:
Daily visits are made by area managers who are accountable for maintaining set standards of service. In addition to their daily visits, the area manager makes frequent night visits to ensure alertness and performance of our security officers. Our company is particularly proud of the competence and commitment of its managers.
Supervisory Management:
Our supervisors represent our 1st level of external supervision and visit sites on an intermittent basis over a 24-hour period. This ensures that sites are visited at least once during the day and twice at night

Training academy pioneered training in South Africa and plays a vital role in professionalising this sector by developing the first leadership programme for security officers with SASSETA (NQF Level 3). The company developed its own comprehensive firearm training programmes to ensure competency in a wide range of contexts. The learning and development department boasts a national footprint, covering all major centres within the country.
Recognised as market leaders, the nationwide network of accredited learning and development centres provide practical, job-orientated training and consultancy services to all levels of personnel within the Fidelity Services Group. The learning and development solutions are also available to selected customers who have internal training needs to up-skill their current employees; these include private companies, parastatal and government entities.
Specialised Learning and Development Training Solutions:
- Management development programmes
- Supervisory development
- Close Protection Training
- General Security at NQF 3 – National Certificate in General Security Practices
- FET in Specialist Security Practices – NQF 4
- Firearm Competency – all categories of firearms
- Firearm Refresher Training
- Retail Security
- Control Room Training and CCTV Monitoring
- SAPS National Key Points Training
- Ports and Harbour Security
- Aviation Security
- Vehicle Drivers’ Training
- Armed Response Training
- Special Events Training
- Crowd Direction, Maintenance and Control Training
- PSIRA Grade E-A Training
- First Aid DOL – Levels 1-3
- Learnerships are offered in a variety of disciplines
Accreditation – The Training Centres are Fully Accredited in
- BSI 9001:2015 Registered Training Provider
- Accredited with the Safety and Security SETA (SASSETA)
- Accredited with the SAPS in terms of firearms training provision
- Accredited with the Civil Aviation Authority (Dangerous Goods)
- Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA)
- Professional Firearms Trainers Council (PFTC)
- Accredited with Department of Corrections for the provision of the Pre-Service Custodial Officers Programmes
- Accredited with the National Key Points Authority (NKP)
With highly trained employees and the backing of the largest security company in South Africa, our Cleaning & Hygiene Services aim to add another facet to the one-stop shop philosophy the company has adopted. Customers not only get best-in-class security but also best-in-class cleaning and maintenance services all on one invoice. Our Cleaning & Hygiene Services employees are professionally trained to tackle all cleaning and hygiene requirements from small to large-scale office, retail, property and commercial entities. Our Cleaning & Hygiene Services provides only the best cleaning tools, equipment and cleaning agents to ensure that any scenario is managed according to customer requirements.

The Group also has various departments that assist and add value to our three main sectors within the group. With our specialised services division, we can offer our corporate customers enhanced services with special requests and add value to our existing service offering.
Other Services Include:
- VIP and event management
- Tactical Air and Ground Support
- Parking management
- National Command Centre
- Mining services
- Internal and external operation
- Supply of extra cover
SecureFire offers a comprehensive portfolio of life safety and fire protection products through a single service interface underpinned by extensive industry knowledge and the Group’s extensive footprint and backup. Our integrated fire solution offerings have been utilised across projects in more than 12 countries in Africa and many blue-chip customers throughout South Africa. SecureFire provides you with innovative and versatile solutions for fire detection and alarm systems that provides greater control and peace of mind over your building safety. We offer fire control systems designed to meet the needs of everything from a small stand-alone system to a large integrated network.
We offer scalable systems designed to meet the needs of small or large facilities for the seamless integration of your other building management system technologies. Where you don’t already have a building management system, we can custom-build one for you. We offer world-class fire system brands through strategic distribution agreements with these market leaders as well as owning our own international accredited portable range of products that carry a BSi rating under the PremiumPlus brand.
When optimising a building’s security and fire safety, you need solutions that protect people, secure assets, lower operating costs and allows for all aspects of your fire and security solution integrated into one easily managed system. To round out the design and installation of your required solution, SecureFire offers comprehensive maintenance and service plans to reduce the cost burden on your organisation. SecureFire also offers comprehensive fire risk audits to help you understand your risk profile and the steps needed to mitigate these risks.
Our solutions protect your business by making sure your security and fire systems perform on demand, as designed. As an industry leader, we are a trusted partner for security and fire safety, specialising in complex integrations serving a wide cross selection of industry verticals including, mining, aviation, banking, office complexes, government facilities, petrochemical industry, retail and distribution to mention a few. No matter what size or type of facility, we offer flexible, cost-effective solutions tailormade to customer requirements.

Being one of the major suppliers for the provision of security services to the Durban Metro Council for many years, SECURECO METSU has gained vast experience in dealing with unrest situations. We have officers specifically trained in dealing with these uneasy situations. With the municipal strike earlier this year, we deployed an additional 120 guards over a 48-hour period to undertake crowd control at municipal buildings and provided V.I.P. protection for Metro employees and their contractors.
We also deployed 200 additional guards to the strike-torn Mpumalanga area with the water pipe debacle. In addition to that we deployed our Sagasen (armoured tank) and management full-time 24/7. We spent 3 months in Mpumalanga and the installation of water pipes was completed without loss of life.
All our vehicles are fitted with SecureDrive vehicle monitoring system. This system allows us to monitor our vehicles live. It is programmed to track our vehicles, wherever they may be. It also facilitates the calling up of historical reports (full verification report).
Reports on all serious incidents will be generated and distributed within 48 hours to the necessary management at the Forests. Monthly reports on all incidents i.e. fires, snares, dog hunting, information gathered and received, community meetings, movement of people etc will be generated.
Vehicles/Quad Bike/Bicycle
SECURECO METSU will comprehensively insure all the vehicles deployed, when required by the client. All drivers of the vehicles will be in possession of a valid, applicable and unendorsed drivers license. SECURECO METSU will service and maintain the vehicles/bicycles/quad bike to keep same in a roadworthy and operational condition.
Should any vehicle/bicycle become unserviceable or be involved in an accident and such vehicle/bicycle cannot be repaired within a period of 24 hours, SECURECO METSU will provide another vehicle/bicycle/quad bike to continue the rendering of the service.
Communications Systems
SECURECO METSU will supply the client with a suitable means of communication for the use of our employees to enable them to communicate directly with the SAPS, Fire brigade and other emergency services.

We have been accredited by the SANDF as a National Key Point Provider. There are very few security companies in possession of this certification. This certification means that SECURECO METSU has the ability, responsibility and calibre of security officer to successfully guard a site/place/institution of National importance.
We are in possession of ISO 9001/2008. We have an extensive armoury at our offices, ranging from 9mm and .38 handguns, shotguns and LM6’s. We are in possession of our own radio frequencies.
The custom-designed National Command Centre is the first of its kind in South Africa and specialises in remote risk management. Fidelity has the infrastructure that allows the monitoring of alarms and CCTV solutions and tracks assets and vehicles on a national basis. State-of-the-art technology allows expert monitoring teams to keep track of Fidelity’s specialised units, vehicles and assets in transit.
The 24-hour command centre has a fully equipped disaster Recovery Site with a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan. The Command Centre infrastructure standards exceed the minimum SAIDSA requirements. All telephone calls are recorded, all actions on our monitoring software are auditable, the entire floor space is covered by CCTV cameras and all access to the centre is controlled and restricted.
Our National Command Centres are designed and fully integrated to ensure total failover of service and data protection of our customers. This provides 24/7 uptime, even during power failures or system malfunctions.
Some Additional Features and Services Include:
- A comprehensive employee integrity policy
- Alarm events sequenced by priority
- Ability to customise operating procedures
- SMS notification of alarm activations to employee and clients
- Web-based Occurrence Book for licensed users
- Remote “Opening” and “Closing” of vaults and high-risk areas
- Overt and covert surveillance