SECURECO METSU is totally customer driven, applying our services to your and consultancy. We strive to ensure that expectations are not only met, but also exceeded with the services and protection that you will receive. Through a bouquet of services and related products, the company can tailor make a solution for any requirement.
Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind. We will not compromise on our quality of service and believe that we are in a position to provide you with a world-class service, at a very competitive rate.

Employment Equity / Affirmative Action

We are fully aware of the importance of investment in our human resources. We recognise the importance of employment equity to redress the past imbalances and to provide opportunities for our employees to advance within the company.

We acknowledge that historical patterns of discrimination action impede on employment and development of staff we ensure that there is no discrimination characteristics.

We ensure that access to employment opportunities and development is not undermined or prejudiced by existing policies, practices or attitudes. To and monitored. While this may require recruiting employees externally, emphasis is always placed on the development of our own employees.

We avoid tokenism and focus on recognition or merit or potential merit. The presupposes diversity in the workplace at all levels. This requires workshops in the understanding and management of diversity.

Why Use

Secureco Metsu

SECURECO METSU is a well-constructed company.

SECURECO METSU has the necessary resources and experience to execute any security operation. We provide services to government buildings, office complexes, retail outlets, municipal property, industrial complexes, warehouses, factories, clinics, parks and recreational facilities, special events etc.


SECURECO METSU has a national footprint, encompassing 82 branches and depots in South Africa.


SECURECO METSU has unarmed and armed security guards that are trained and competent in handguns and rifle use, and are all carefully screened and trained at PSIRA registered training centres.


SECURECO METSU has its own armoury, which is fully equipped and manned on a 24-hour basis.


SECURECO METSU owns and operates its own radio frequency monitored by our 24-hour control room. Each security officer on site is equipped with a portable two-way radio and all our vehicles are equipped with base radios.


SECURECO METSU has 6 sectors (areas) and each with their own management and supervisory infrastructure.


SECURECO METSU is proud to be in possession of the
prestigious ISO 9001/2008 quality management system.



The B-BBEE Partner’s Strategic Participation is Centred on the Following Elements:

  • Shareholding; proportional representation at board level and operations.
  • Appointment of highly competent and influential leadership.
  • Knowledge transfer and mentorship of any new and existing executive and operational managers.
  • Although empowerment is the B-BBEE partner's most significant objective, any appointment will be guided by ability, influence and relevant expertise.


Meet Our Team


Ms Nonhlanhla Khethekile Ndwandwe

Ms Ndwandwe worked for SECURECO KZN as a Director, focusing on employee well-being and client relations. She grew from there to Group Corporate Affairs Director for Fidelity Services Group. She currently holds an MBA from MANCOSA.

Mr Shaun Maharaj (PDI)

Mr Shaun Maharaj is the Group Financial Director of Fedelity Services Group. He is a Chartered Accountant and has several years experience in the security industry. He joined Springbok Patrols in 1997 and has been part of the growth and innovative changes that has seen the company transform into what it is today

Mr Wahl Justice Bartmann

Mr Wahl Justice Bartmann served in thereafter joined Springbok Patrols (Pty) Ltd. Wahl Bartmann holds an LLB acquired at RAU. He has been instrumental in moulding what was once a small security company into a leader in the security industry, namely Fidelity Security Services. He is the CEO and promotes mentorship programs in the Fidelity Services Group.

Mr Mpho Innocent Scott

Mr Mpho Scott is an established business executive and has been a member of Parliament for 9 years. He was a former Chairman of the Portfolio Committee of Home Affairs,member of Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence, Portfolio Committee of Safety and Security, Joint Standing Committee of Defence, Parliamentary whip and KZN provincial Chief whip.


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